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Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

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Locro a characteristic vegetable stew of S. America, sometimes enriched with pieces of beef, salt beef, pork, or fish, and always containing a cereal element, as explained in an interesting passage by the Brown family (1971):

Locro is one of those flexible dishes of everyday country life that can be made with almost any meat or combination of meats, depending on the momentary resources of the kitchen. It resembles Arabian couscous, from which it probably originated, traveling to the Spanish colonies by way of the mother land. Out on the wheat-growing plains of Argentina the main ingredient of locro is most often whole grains of wheat, but coarsely milled corn resembling our hominy is equally good. Yellow corn is preferred in many localities because it is supposed to be sweeter, and one asks in the country store for maiz para locro (corn for locro).

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