Published 2014
The method and effect of pulling candy are described under sugar boiling. Despite the labour of making it, pulled candy of various kinds is popular for making at home. This is because it is best made by several people at once, so that a whole batch can be pulled before it cools too much to be workable. Thus making it is an excuse to have a party. Commercial kinds are usually pulled mechanically. Pulled candy can be made from a plain sugar syrup, as in humbugs. Often advantage is taken of the pulling technique to join strands of different colours, or opaque pulled and clear unpulled strands, as in British bullseyes, French berlingots, and Swedish polkagris. Some toffee, or rather taffy (the preferred term in Scotland, N. England, and in the USA—saltwater taffy is sold at shore resorts such as Atlantic City), is pulled. So is all rock.