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Sausage: Rohwurst

Appears in
Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

  • About

Raw sausage, for keeping, made from meat which has been cured, air dried, and sometimes smoked. A speciality of N. Germany. There are two types, spreadable and sliceable. The most common spreadable ones are:

  • Teewurst, always a smooth, very fine textured paste. It is made from raw pork and beef or pure pork, highly spiced;

  • Mettwurst, a raw smoked pork and beef sausage, often spreadable; but also available in a coarse-cut sliceable version.

Common sliceable ones include:

  • Cervelatwurst, see cervelat;

  • Bratwurst (grilling sausage), usually included in this category although they are not cured. These are pork or pork and veal sausages. There are many varieties, distinguished by their seasonings and size and usually named after the places with which they are associated: Nürnberger, Coburger, Regensburger, Thüringer (said to be the original kind), and Fränkischer (from Franconia).

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