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Sea Trout

Appears in
Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

  • About

sea trout or salmon trout, Salmo trutta trutta, is the sea-going form of a species which also includes the brown trout of rivers and the bull or lake trout of larger inland waters. These other, freshwater, forms are described under trout. The sea trout, like the salmon, is a migratory fish, most often caught in rivers, which it ascends in order to spawn; but its middle life is spent at sea. Its natural range is from Portugal to Norway and Iceland. It is particularly esteemed in Wales, as sewin.

The maximum length of sea-run trout seems to be over 1 m (40"), but this is exceptional. The fish are usually grey or silvery with black or reddish spots. The flesh, like that of the salmon, is pink; this is because the diet includes crustaceans which contain a carotenoid pigment.

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