How to Grill Strip Steaks

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By Steven Raichlen

Published 2001

  • About
METHOD: Direct grilling
Steak. One simple word that spells a heap of pleasure. Steak is the measure of a grill jockey’s mettle, and the ability to grill one to the perfect degree of doneness is the mark of a master. Fortunately, by following three simple procedures, it’s easy to produce a perfect steak every time.
First is the choice of steak. The high, dry heat of grilling requires a tender cut of beef. Second is the heat of the grill. Steak needs a high heat to sear the outside. Finally, you need to give the steak a rest before serving. The high heat of the grill forces the juices deep into the meat. When you let the steak rest for a few minutes, the juices flow back throughout the meat.