Rosy Brittlegill

Russula rosea

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Rosy Brittlegill Russula rosea Pers. syn. R. lepida Fr. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 4–10cm across, convex, later flattening or slightly depressed; red, often paler and white or yellowish-white in places or occasionally entirely; fleshy, hard; surface matt, dry, sometimes as if powdered; hardly peeling. Stem 30–70×15–35mm, often club-shaped or swollen slightly in the middle; white or flushed pink or red in part or entirely; powdered. Flesh white; taste mild, of cedarwood pencils, sometimes bitter, smell slightly fruity with a suggestion of menthol. Gills almost free; pale cream. Spores 8–9×7–8µ, almost globose; warts up to 0.5µ high, joined by lines and ridges to form a well-developed network. Spore print pale cream (B–C). Cap cystidia frequent, cylindrical, tapering, spindle-shaped or narrow club-shaped, not reacting with SV; hyphae staining in fuchsin also present, but granules that stain are rather sparse and scattered. Habitat with deciduous trees, especially beech; summer to early autumn. Frequent. Not edible. Note it is a pity this well-known Russula has to change its name.