Russula aquosa

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Russula aquosa Leclair (illustrated 60% life size) Cap 3–7cm across, flattened convex or with a depression, margin finally furrowed and slightly warty-lumpy; lilac, tinted red to palish cherry-red, often brownish in the centre, frequently pale coloured; watery and thin-fleshed, sticky when moist, very fragile; two-thirds to completely peeling. Stem 40–95×10–22mm, narrowing markedly towards the apex; white, usually watery in appearance, often tinged brown, yellow, or grey; very fragile. Flesh white; taste very slightly hot, smell faint, suggesting coconut, iodine, or radish. Gills almost free, well-spaced; dirty white. Spores 7–8.5×6–7µ, ovate; warts up to 0.7µ high, joined by fine lines to form a partial network. Spore print slightly creamy white (A). Cap cystidia narrowly club-shaped, without septa. Habitat in damp places near water or marshy places with mosses; summer to autumn. Uncommon (on Red Data List). Unknown edibility, but of no culinary interest.