Russula farinipes

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Russula farinipes Romell. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 3–6cm across, convex, later often with a marked depression, margin furrowed and slightly warty-lumpy; yellowish to ochre-straw; thinnish but somewhat tough and elastic; hardly peeling. Stem 30–60×10–15mm; white or straw; hard, surface powdery towards the top. Flesh white, yellowish below cap cuticle; taste very hot, smell fruity. Gills slightly decurrent, rather narrow, often rather widely spaced; pale straw. Spores 6–8×5–7µ, ovate; warts up to 0.7µ high, no lines. Spore print whitish (A). Cap cystidia abundant, spindle-shaped, up to 5–9µ wide, reacting to SV. Habitat with broad-leaved trees; late summer to early autumn. Occasional. Not edible.