Copper Brittlegill

Russula decolorans

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Copper Brittlegill Russula decolorans (Fr.) Fr. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 4.5–11cm across, subglobose at first then convex and flattening, finally with a depression, margin finally furrowed; brownish-red or orange, reddish-sienna, cinnamon, or tawny, staining black or brown; firm, sticky when moist; peeling at margin only. Stem 45–100×10–25mm, often with club-shaped base; white, greying strongly; firm. Flesh greying strongly on exposure; thick; taste mild. Gills adnexed, connected by veins at the bases; pale ochre, blackening. Spores 9–14×7–12µ, ovate to elliptical; spines of various heights up to 1.5µ, mostly isolated but some connected by thin lines to form a very incomplete network with only 1–2 meshes. Spore print deep cream to pale ochre (E–F). Cap surface with numerous slightly club-shaped dermatocystidia with one or no septum. Habitat with conifers; summer to autumn. Uncommon, vulnerable on Red Data List, confined mainly to the Highland region of Scotland. Edible.