Russula amoenolens

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

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Russula amoenolens Romagn. (illustrated 65% life size) Cap 3–6cm across, convex, later flattening and with a depression, margin furrowed, with small, low warts; sepia to greyish-sepia, rarely white; thinnish-fleshed, slightly sticky when moist; half peeling. Stem 30–60×10–20mm; whitish; fairly firm to soft and fragile. Flesh white; taste unpleasant, oily, slowly very hot, smell rancid or suggesting Camembert cheese. Gills adnexed; creamy to dirty whitish, edge browning. Spores 7–9×5–7µ, broadly elliptical; warts to 0.7µ high, a few joined by fine lines, no network. Spore print pale cream (B–D). Cap cystidia narrow, tapering, poorly reacting to SV. Habitat with oak; summer to autumn. Rare. Not edible. Note I used the name Russula sororia (Fr.) Romell. in my first book; this mushroom is now thought to be very similar but rather rare.