Fool’s Funnel Clitocybe rivulosa (Pers.) P. Kumm. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 2–5cm across, convex at first, then flattened and depressed in the centre, the margin remaining slightly inrolled; powdered white, often with concentric rings or markings where the flesh-coloured basic tint shows through. Stem 20–40×4–10mm; concolorous with cap; slightly woolly at the base. Flesh white to buff; smell sweet. Gills decurrent, crowded; whitish to buff. Spores 4–5.5×2.5–3.5¼, ovoid-ellipsoid. Spore print white. Habitat in troops or rings in grass on sandy soil, often along path edges or roadsides; late summer to late autumn. Common. Deadly poisonous. Note this is very close to and sometimes synonymized with C. dealbata (above).