Leaf Parachute

Marasmius epiphyllus

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Leaf Parachute Marasmius epiphyllus (Pers.) Fr. (illustrated 80% life size) Cap 3–10mm across, flattened, sometimes depressed; white to creamy-white; membranous and radially wrinkled. Stem 15–30×1mm, hair-like; whitish near apex, reddish-brown below. Flesh fibrous. Gills few, broadly spaced, branched and vein-like; white. Spores 10–11×3–4¼, elongate-elliptical. Spore print white. Cuticular cells subglobose, smooth. Habitat on fallen twigs and leaf petioles; autumn. Frequent. Not edible far too small.