Collybia acervata

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Collybia acervata (Fr.) P. Kumm. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 1–5cm across, convex with an incurved margin at first, becoming flatter; reddish-brown, becoming paler, more pinkish-buff to whitish-tan on drying; moist to dry, smooth. Stem 30–100×2–5mm; reddish-brown with white hairs around the lower section and base; hollow, brittle, dry, smooth. Flesh pinkish-white; thin, flexible; taste bitter when cooked. Gills adnate to free, close, narrow; whitish to dingy pale pink. Spores 5–6.5×2–2.5¼, ellipsoidl, smooth. Spore print white. Habitat in dense clusters on decaying or buried logs or stumps of coniferous species, common among conifers; late summer to autumn. Uncommon, vulnerable on Red Data List. Not edible too bitter.