Hebeloma pusillum

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Hebeloma pusillum J.E. Lange (illustrated life size) Cap 1–2.5cm across, conico-convex then expanded, often with a small umbo; pallid tan, darkening to rufous or date-brown at centre; slightly viscid. Stem 20–40×2–3mm; white, discolouring brownish towards base; mealy. Flesh pallid; thin; taste bitter, smell of radish. Gills free; pallid at first, then clay-brown. Spores 10–14×5.5–7¼, almond-shaped, finely warted. Spore print clay-brown. Habitat with willow; summer to autumn. Occasional, more frequent in southern Britain. Unknown edibility.