Inocybe dulcamara

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Inocybe dulcamara P. Kumm. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 1–4cm across, convex, becoming almost flat; greenish ochraceous to tawny; white cortina on young specimens makes it possible to confuse this fungus with Cortinarius. Stem 25–40×3–8mm; concolorous with cap; sometimes with indistinct cottony ring. Flesh buff or ochraceous; taste sweet, smell slight. Gills adnate; yellow-buff at first then brown. Spores 7.5–10.5×5–5.5¼, bean-shaped, smooth. Spore print walnut-brown, distinguishes this from Cortinarius. Cheilocystidia clavate or pyriform, sometimes in short chains. Habitat on sandy path sides or dunes; autumn. Uncommon. Not edible.