Conocybe moseri

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Conocybe moseri Watling (illustrated 90% life size) Cap 1–2cm across, bell-shaped; pale grey-brown; smooth. Stem 40–60×2–3mm; pallid, becoming darker towards the base; no ring. Flesh concolorous; thin; taste and smell not distinctive. Gills adnate; pale ochraceous-buff. Spores 9–16×5–9.5¼, broadly elliptical. Spore print ochraceous-brown. Cheilocystidia skittle-shaped, head 3.2–5¼ in diameter. Habitat in earth on roadsides, in gardens, or in fields; autumn. Very rare. Suspect. Note in my first book I used the incorrect American name C. plumbeitincta (Atk.) Singer. It is possible that this might be a member of the C. siennophylla complex, further study is required.