Agrocybe molesta

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Agrocybe molesta (Lasch) Singer (illustrated 40% life size) (illustrated 40% life size) Cap 3–7cm across, convex, expanding to almost flat; ivory white to yellowish-cream. Stem 50–80×3–7mm; whitish; cottony ring near apex. Flesh whitish; thick, firm; taste slightly bitter, smell mushroomy. Gills adnate; pale at first, then darker clay. Spores 12–13×6–7.5¼, ovate-elliptical. Spore print light cigar-brown. Cap cuticle cellular. Habitat singly, in grass at roadsides or in meadows; spring to summer. Occasional. Edible but poor. Note in my first book I listed this fungus as A. dura.