Poplar Fieldcap

Agrocybe cylindracea

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Poplar Fieldcap Agrocybe cylindracea (D.C.) Maire (illustrated 60% life size) Cap 4–10cm across, hemispherical-convex at first, becoming flattened and sometimes cracked at centre, and often wavy near the margin; pale buff to almost white with rust flush at centre when young, becoming darker brown with age. Stem 50–100×10–15mm; cream at first, becoming darker brown with age; persistent ring soon becomes dusted brown by the spores. Flesh white in the cap and stem, brown in the stem base; taste nutty, smell of old wine casks. Gills adnate or slightly decurrent; cream at first then turning tobacco-brown due to the spores. Spores 8.5–10.5×5–6¼, ovate-elliptical. Spore print tobacco-brown. Cap cuticle cellular. Habitat in tufts, especially with willows and poplars; all year round. Occasional. Edible.