Gilded Bolete

Aureoboletus gentilis

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Gilded Bolete Aureoboletus gentilis (Quél.) Pouzar syn. A. cramesinus (Singer) Watling (illustrated 75% life size) Cap 2.5–5cm across; ochraceous-peach to dirty pink; surface viscid. Stem 50–80×5–10mm, narrowing towards pointed base, more or less rooting; yellow at apex; flushed reddish-buff or pink towards base; smooth and viscid. Flesh whitish, often pinkish under cap disc and lemon-yellow over the tubes; taste and smell pleasant. Tubes lemon-chrome at first, then becoming golden-yellow, unchanging on bruising. Pores colouring similar to the tubes. Spores 11–15×4.5–5.5¼, subfusiform. Spore print ochraceous-buff. Habitat in broad-leaved woods, occasionally on old bonfire sites; late summer to autumn. Uncommon. Edible.