Slate Bolete Leccinum duriusculum (Kalchbr.) Singer (illustrated 30% life size) Cap 6–15cm across, cuticle overhanging tubes; light cinnamon-buff, slightly downy to somewhat stippled, becoming smoother with age. Stem 80–140×20–35mm; white at apex, buff towards the base, ornamented with black or brown-black scales, often tinged blue-green near the base. Flesh white, pink, or peach in the cap, vinaceous-grey in the stem apex and with touches of blue-green fading brownish in the stem base, finally blotched blackish throughout; firm; taste and smell not distinctive. Tubes whitish then pale yellowish. Pores small, round; whitish, bruising olive-brown. Spores 14.5–16×4.5–6¼, subfusiform. Spore print walnut-brown. Habitat with aspen and other poplars; summer to late autumn. Occasional. Edible.