Blueing Bracket Postia subcaesia (A. David) Jülich syn. Oligoporus subcaesius (A. David) Gilb. & Ryvarden syn. Tyromyces subcaesius A. David (illustrated 60% life size) Bracket 1–6cm×1–4cm across, 0.3–1cm thick, semicircular, single or in overlapping groups; whitish, grey-blue with age or where handled, but not as blue as P. caesia (above); upper surface covered in fine, long hairs. Flesh white. Tubes 0.5–4.5mm long; white, later grey-blue. Pores 3–4 per mm, circular; white at first, more grey or grey-blue with age. Spores 4–5×0.7–1.5¼, sausage-shaped; white with grey-blue tint, amyloid. Hyphal structure monomitic, generative hyphae with clamp connections and appearing glassy in KOH. Habitat on fallen branches and sticks of deciduous trees in old woodland; all year. Frequent. Not edible. Note in my first book this picture was named as Tyromyces caesius. The fungi of this section that cause brown rot have been transferred from Tyromyces to Postia, and this species has only recently been split from P. caesia (above).