Hydnellum geogenium

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Hydnellum geogenium (Fr.) Banker (illustrated 30% life size) Fruit body single or often fused with others. Cap 4–14cm across, irregular in outline, flattened; olive- or deep brown to buff, often with bright yellow tomentum, especially when young; thin, pliant, rather zoned, surface fibrous, knobbly, pitted at centre. Stem very short or almost absent; concolorous with cap; numerous strands of yellow mycelium in soil around base. Flesh olive; thin; taste and smell not distinctive. Spines on under-surface decurrent for entire stem; olive-yellow to olive-brown, usually brighter yellow at margin. Spores 3–4.5×3–4¼, angular to subglobose, tuberculate. Spore print brown. Habitat in coniferous woods; late summer to autumn. Rare in Europe, unknown in Britain. Not edible