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Oxford Companion to Sugar and Sweets

By Darra Goldstein

Published 2015

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Cool Whip is an artificial product intended to mimic whipped cream, composed mainly of water, hydrogenated vegetable oil, and high-fructose corn syrup. The flavor is bland and sweet, not really tasting much like a dairy product, with a texture somewhat denser than whipped cream. Cool Whip was invented sometime prior to 1966, when it was first introduced to the market, by Dr. William A. Mitchell, a food chemist in General Foods’ Birds Eye division from 1941 to 1976. In that capacity he also formulated such other products and precursors as powdered egg whites, quick-setting Jell-O, Pop Rocks, and Tang. Within two years of its introduction, Cool Whip became the highest-grossing Birds Eye product. The whip has historically been marketed in 8-ounce plastic tubs in supermarket freezer cases, but aerosol versions are sometimes available. They are intended to compete directly with Reddi-wip, an aerosol whip made from dairy products by ConAgra. Cool Whip sold in the United States and Canada is manufactured in a factory in Avon, New York. It is now a flagship brand of Kraft Foods, which acquired the product through a series of mergers and divestments.

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