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Cucúrbita maxima

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By Elizabeth Schneider

Published 2001

  • About

Valenciano (Cucúrbita maxima) has been selected to represent white pumpkins as a general category. There is nothing new about a white pumpkin per se. What is new is the change from foodstuff to canvas for Halloween faces. In the United States, where redness reigns, cerise apples, scarlet mangos, and sunset peaches take precedence over paler forms that can be more flavorful. It is not surprising that “eating pumpkins” are orange. White pumpkins share no more than skin color (and even that varies from blue-gray to cream). Like squash of any color, white pumpkins are distinct, but they get lumped together unless you are lucky enough to buy from a farmer who provides particulars, so that you can learn which white pumpkins you want to eat again, and which to limit to jack-o’-lanterns.

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