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Making chicken stock

Appears in
Winter: Le Cordon Bleu Home Collection

By Le Cordon Bleu

Published 1998

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Good, flavoursome home-made stock can be the cornerstone of a great dish.
Cut up 750 g (1½ lb) chicken bones and carcass and put in a pan with a roughly chopped onion, carrot and celery stick. Add 6 peppercorns, a bouquet garni and 4 litres water.
Bring to the boil and let the stock simmer gently for 2-3 hours, skimming off any scum that rises to the surface using a large spoon. Strain the stock through a sieve into a clean bowl, then allow to cool.
Chill the stock overnight, then lift off any fat If you can’t leave overnight, drag the surface of the hot strained stock with paper towels to lift off the fat Makes 1.5-2 litres.

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