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The #1 Controversy of our Careers—Bagels!

Appears in
Zingerman's Bakehouse

By Amy Emberling

Published 2017

  • About
Enough about our failures. Almost more interesting is when we create items that are controversial. We define these as ones that people have strong reactions to, both positive and negative.
Our most controversial item for the last 15 years has been our bagels. People either love ’em or hate ’em, and sometimes when they hate them they also seem to hate us!
For years we had actively chosen not to make bagels, even though the Deli used lots of them. Making bagels is a different process than making breads, and adding them would require a boiler, a different oven, a different mixer, and a shift at an entirely different time of day. We thought we’d leave bagels to those who were already making them.

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