Tsukiji Tamura

Appears in

By Heston Blumenthal, Pascal Barbot, Nobu Matsuhisa and Kiyomi Mikuni

Published 2009

  • About

As the name suggests, Tsukiji Tamura is located in Tsukiji, Tokyo - site of Japans largest fish market. Established in 1946, it is now one of the most famous ryotei (high class restaurants) in Tokyo. Its founder, Heiji Tamura, went to Kyoto at the age of fourteen and was apprenticed to Usaburo Nishimura, who had left Hyotei to set up his own restaurant, Hyoki. The knowledge he gained in his seven years of training there is concentrated in the motto of the restaurant, “The harmony of the five flavours”. Each of the five flavours must be skillfully harmonised in cuisine in order for the diner to have the best taste experience.