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I. Hot Drinks

Mashrubat Harra

Appears in
Delights from the Garden of Eden

By Nawal Nasrallah

Published 2019

  • About

In Iraq tea is served several times a day, no matter what season it is. Loose Ceylon tea is the blend preferred. Tea bags are a convenience we can do without. A medium-sized teapot and a large kettle are all it takes to brew perfect tea, even for a big family. However, in some households, a samawar is used to keep the tea-drinking ritual going all day. It is a ‘tea-maker’ with a boiler, which in the old days was fuelled by charcoal. Most of them nowadays come with electric heaters. The teapot is put on this boiler and the tea is allowed to brew slowly in the heat of the steam. It is very convenient for large gatherings. In the old days, it was the centerpiece, around which family members would sit cozily, chatting and sipping hot tea from small glasses.

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