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Avis Crocombe

Appears in
How to Cook The Victorian Way with Mrs Crocombe

By Annie Gray and Andrew Hann

Published 2020

  • About

Every interpreter played Mrs Crocombe slightly differently, bringing their own interests and experiences to the role. One was slightly scatty, one motherly, one a dedicated career woman, and another a devoted church-goer who despaired of her more worldly maids. Kathy’s Mrs Crocombe was brisk, organised and a reassuring presence, though not one who put up with cheek. She was, perhaps, inclined to be kinder than she should have been, although a maid who presented a pastry disaster would certainly feel the sharp side of her tongue. Kitchens were not, in reality, places for conversation, but Audley was full of chatter; public interaction was key to everything we did. Balancing historical accuracy with the need to convey information and impressions was crucial.

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