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By Jeremy Round

Published 1988

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Keep an eye out for the second crop of strawberries and raspberries from Kent and Hampshire. The plum season gets into full swing with delicious greengages, exquisite damsons and the stately Victoria. September’s grapes are usually of fine quality, with an influx of Greek Sultana, Italian Italia and French Alphonse. Melons are still good, with enormous watermelons beginning to dominate. Try eating sweet, ripe watermelon with feta cheese as part of an Eastern Mediterranean meze table.

The first English Cox’s Orange Pippins should be through by the end of the month. Before, look for Tydeman’s Early, Worcester Pearmain, Miller’s Seedling and James Grieve in the rare outlets where you’d have any chance of finding them. New-season Bramley Seedlings have already appeared, but other good early cooking apples include Grenadier and Howgate Wonder. French Golden Delicious have a justified reputation for flavourlessness, but the new crop, which starts this month, is in a different league for crunch and taste.

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