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How To Pickle + Ferment

Appears in
Islas: A Celebration of Tropical Cooking - 125 Recipes from the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific Ocean Islands

By Von Diaz

Published 2024

  • About
Like the other techniques in this book, pickling is a way to make use of abundant local ingredients in ways that boost flavor and preserve them at their peak. Pickling, brining, and “cooking” proteins and vegetables in citrus and vinegar are among the oldest cooking methods on earth. Before refrigeration was widely available, acids—especially those produced by fermenting fruits and starches—enabled cooks to preserve ingredients, making them shelf stable to last through hurricanes and typhoons.

This technique will enable you to make condiments, salads, and more to pair with many of the dishes in Islas. The ingredients are often similar—a fruit or vegetable in vinegar or citrus juice with chiles and aromatics—which makes them particularly interchangeable. Filipino Pickled Green Papaya makes an excellent companion to Poulet Boucané. Haitian Pikliz is most often served with twice-cooked pork Griot, but also pairs well with the Malagasy pork belly, beef, and greens stew called Romazava. Beyond Islas recipes, these pickles can be a fun addition to a cookout: Lemon Lasary tastes great on hot dogs, for example.

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