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Some Simple Fish Suppers

Appears in
Keeping it Simple

By Gary Rhodes

Published 2005

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All-purpose creamy herb sauce. Warm a handful of fresh herbs with some cream and lemon to make an instant sauce.

Grilled salmon with a dill dressing. Salad dressings are wonderful poured over hot fish. Drizzle olive oil, dill and a squeeze of lime over hot grilled salmon.

Smoked fish with a hot mayonnaise. Smoked fish makes the simplest starter when served with a mustard or shallot-flavoured mayonnaise.

Poached salmon with a chilli cucumber relish. Make your own cucumber relish by adding peeled slivers of cucumber to a little white wine vinegar, olive oil, coarse sea salt, twist of pepper and, if you want, fine rings of red chilli. Serve with a piece of poached salmon.

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