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The Sandwich Shop by Ed Cumming

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Max’s Sandwich Book

By Max Halley and Ben Benton

Published 2018

  • About
“Where shall we go?”
“Well, there’s this place I love called Max’s?”
“Sounds great. What does it do?”
“Like, stuff in bread?”
“It’s a little more complicated than that.”
Except, it is and it isn’t. This little wood-panelled room at the top of Stroud Green Road might look like the bridge of an old ship, or an Alp-top chalet diner, but in its reinvention of the most staple of staples, the Great British sandwich, it has a revolutionary spirit.
Almost always the man is there himself, doling out London’s warmest welcomes, guiding newcomers through his vision. Almost always he will be dressed in shorts and a polo shirt, which give him the aspect of a piratical surfer. But in his bloody-minded quest for perfection, Max is closer to one of those Japanese ceramicists who spend 60 years spinning plain white bowls.

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