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What do Food Writers Really Eat?

Appears in
Modern Classics

By Frances Bissell

Published 2000

  • About
What do food writers eat at home? I’m sometimes asked. Do you ever eat just beans on toast? If I were to describe a week’s menus, they would show the thinking behind my cooking, how I use mainly what is in season, how I make use of leftovers, and how I plan menus.

At some stage, almost all of my cooking finds its way into my writing. When I write cookery books, I write the recipes that I have cooked at home. I do not cook my way through the vegetable chapter, the pasta chapter, the fish chapter, and so on. If neither of us likes what I have cooked, I probably never cook it again, and I certainly never write about it. I was very pleased to read that Marcella Hazan writes her cookery books in the same way.

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