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Custard – Yolks

Appears in
The Pink Whisk Guide to Cake Making

By Ruth Clemens

Published 2013

  • About
Yolks Milk (ml) Cream (ml) Sugar (grams)
1 30 40 15
2 60 80 30
3 90 115 45
4 125 150 60
5 155 190 75
6 185 230 90
7 215 265 105
8 250 305 120
9 280 340 135
10 310 380 150
  1. Whisk together the egg yolks and caster (superfine) sugar in a large jug and set to one side.
  2. Heat the milk and cream gently until just below boiling point. Whilst whisking continuously, pour the milk/cream slowly over the egg yolks and sugar until they are well mixed together.
  3. Return the mixture to the pan and heat gently, stirring continuously to prevent the egg from scrambling, until the mixture thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon.

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