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Questions for Discussion

Appears in
Professional Baking

By Wayne Gisslen

Published 2008

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  1. Why is white wheat flour used in rye breads? in whole wheat breads? Some bakeries in Europe produce a kind of pumpernickel bread with 100% rye flour. What would you expect its texture to be like?
  2. Describe how to distinguish bread, pastry, and cake flours by touch and sight.
  3. Why does white flour have better keeping qualities than whole wheat flour?
  4. What is the importance of aging in the production of flour? How is this accomplished in modern flour milling?
  5. What is clear flour? What products is it used for?
  6. List four functions of sugars in baked foods.
  7. What is invert sugar? What properties make it useful in baking?
  8. True or false: 10X sugar is one of the purest forms of sucrose. Explain your answer.
  9. What is the difference between regular and emulsified shortening? between cake margarine and pastry margarine?
  10. What are some advantages and disadvantages in using butter as the fat in pie dough?
  11. List six functions of eggs in baked goods.
  12. What is the difference between single-acting and double-acting baking powders? Which is most frequently used, and why?
  13. Explain how to use sheet gelatin in a recipe. Explain how to substitute powdered gelatin for sheet gelatin.

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