The Storecupboard

Appears in
Students' Cookbook

By Sophie Grigson

Published 1993

  • About
When you are on a tight budget, it pays to plan ahead a week at a time. You may have to cut down on meat and ready-made meals, but these can be replaced with more fresh vegetables and fruit, and you can fill up with big helpings of starchy foods such as potatoes, pulses, rice, brown bread and pasta. This way you’ll be eating a much healthier diet, saving money, and maybe even enjoying your meals more than before!
Even when you are only cooking for one or two people, don’t ignore recipes for four. They may work out cheaper if they can be reheated or eaten cold next day. One big shopping spree each week or so is an excellent idea for stocking up on items that will keep, but fish, meat, poultry, most vegetables and fruit are best bought in smaller quantities as and when you need them.