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Where to Eat Cake... London

Appears in
World's Best Cakes: 250 great cakes from Raspberry Genoise to Chocolate Kugelhopf

By Roger Pizey

Published 2013

  • About
The tradition of taking afternoon tea with friends and family dates back to 1840. It was Anna Maria, the Duchess of Bedford, who first admitted to feeling a tad peckish in the long hours between luncheon and dinner. Her butler brought her a few bits of bread and cakes with some tea; and soon her afternoon tea parties were quite the thing. When Queen Victoria took to this new trend, the rest, as they say, is history. But London offers much more than afternoon tea options - although, it has to be said, there is nothing more quintessentially British than taking afternoon tea. In recent years, London’s interest in all things baked has rocketed and has embraced all cultures. Now, you can easily locate a Swedish cinnamon bun, an American whoopie pie or a classic millefeuille, whenever the mood takes you.

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