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Chez Panisse Desserts

by Lindsey Shere

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Original Publisher
Random House
Date of publication

Recommended by

Barbara Sweeney

Food writer

Take a perfectly ripe peach – or plum or lemon. And what do you do? Turn to Remolif Shere for inspiration, guidance, instruction and success. The basic repetoire of crème anglaise, pastry cream, ice cream and brioche will stand you in good stead.

Nik Sharma

Food writer

When I toyed with the idea of attending pastry school, this book came highly recommended. It gave me a sense of how to appreciate locally grown ingredients for their flavor, a central theme behind the famed Chez Panisse restaurant in California.

Andy Ricker

Chef/Owner Pok Pok Restaurants

Still one the best books on simple seasonal sweet food.

Lisa Yockelson

Baking author

Emily Luchetti

Chief Pastry Officer Big Night Restaurant Group

Russ Parsons

Food columnist of LA Times

Melissa Clark

Food Columnist, The New York Times

Joanne Weir

Chef, cookbook author and television personality

Theo Randall

Chef/Patron of Theo Randall at the InterContinental