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Never Trust a Skinny Italian Chef

by Massimo Bottura

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Recommended by

Ivan Brincat

Food and Wine Gazette

Is this a cookbook? It is but the recipes are at the back of the book. Instead you get the story behind each dish created by this exceptional chef. The stories are incredibly interesting and reveal the thought process that goes behind to create memorable dishes. Unless you are a professional cook you might not replicate all recipes but you will certainly be inspired.

William Drew

Group Editor, The World's 50 Best Restaurants

My cheffy choice, from one of the most original and highly-rated chefs in the world. Massimo's infectious passion comes across on the pages, even if you're unlikely to cook much from this

Franck Dangereux

Co-owner of The Food Barn

Barry Smith


Felicity Souter

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Cathy Strange

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Andrea Petrini

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David Gelb

Creator, Executive Producer, Director