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Ready for Dessert

by David Lebovitz

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Original Publisher
Ten Speed Press
Date of publication

Recommended by

Lisa Gershenson

Food entrepreneur and culinary educator

David Lebovitz was the pastry chef at Chez Panisse for 12 years and then abruptly moved to Paris following the death of his partner. There he continues to write books on desserts, French food and life in Paris along with maintaining his very popular blog. Although I’ve been working in professional kitchens for over 35 years, I'm not a very good baker. Every chef needs a few desserts in their repertoire that they can reliably produce. In his first book Ready for Dessert, he has recipes for pies, tarts, cookies, ice creams and more. The recipes are always reliable with instructions that are easy to follow, guaranteeing success for even the inexperienced baker.

Kasey Wilson

Food & travel writer, broadcaster and author

Tips are informative e.g. in the Tuiles recipe you add a spoonful of sesame oil in the batter for a sesame scent and use black sesame seeds for a more striking appearance.

Victoria Prever

Food Editor, Jewish Chronicle

The King of dessert is one of my favourites. I love his ice cream recipe book too, so it was a toss up between them, but this had a slightly bigger range.

Michael Procopio


Apart from the beautiful and clear recipes, this book is worth it for the wonderful caramel tutorial alone.

Prerna Singh

Co-Founder Indian Simmer