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The Fat Duck Cookbook

by Heston Blumenthal

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Recommended by

Matt Gillan


The thing I love and enjoy about this book is that it is Heston. It's like being inside his head. The attention to detail in every aspect of every dish through out the book is phenominal. Each time you pick it up, you learn a little bit more about something else.

Henry Herbert

Retail Director, Hobbs House Bakery

This book raised the bar in my eyes of what a cook book should be. I read it cover to cover and probably tried three things but I still found it massively inspiring of what is possible.

Charlie Lee-Potter

Writer, broadcaster and academic

A science manual for those who love to cook - wonderfully informative.

Barry Smith


Tim Anderson

Chef and food writer

Anthony Myint

Co-Founder - Mission Chinese Food, Commonwealth, The Perennial, Zero Foodprint

Tom Kerridge

Owner/Chef Patron of The Hand and Flowers and The Coach, Marlow

Wylie Dufresne

Former chef and owner of wd-50 and Alder restaurants

Thomas Leatherbarrow

Founder and Executive Pastry Chef of Pastry Development

David Gillmore

Head Chef at James Street South, Belfast

Rachel Davies

Founder of Rachel's Kitchen