Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz

Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz


Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz (1915-2003) was the award-winning author of a number of cookbooks covering a wide range of cuisines, including Caribbean, Mexican, Latin American, Japanese, Spanish and Portuguese, French and British. Her interest in the Caribbean began when she attended school in the West Indies. She made a study of the food of the islands and went on to become principal consultant on the Caribbean for the Time-Life Foods of the World series, also supplying the recipes for the book. For many years Elisabeth has contributed articles to magazines such as Gourmet and House and Garden in New York, where she lived when her husband was an official with the United Nations. She spent six years island-hopping during holidays and still regrets the inevitable number of islands missed out of the 200-odd. She visited markets wherever she went and was lucky enough to have friends in many of the island cultures — Dutch, Spanish, French and British.

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