Noma: Time and Place in Nordic Cuisine
Beautifully put together by Phaidon. Classy look, great photography, choice of paper. Gorgeous opposition of beautifully styled plates and nature and portrait photographs. Phaidon as always delivers.
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Food photographer put together by Phaidon. Classy look, great photography, choice of paper. Gorgeous opposition of beautifully styled plates and nature and portrait photographs. Phaidon as always delivers.
Black and white reportage on Polaroid film and a clever lay out made that book timeless. The food photography itself however had an old feel about it unfortunately which otherwise would have make that book even more iconic !
The king of San Francisco. The book is spotless . Great mix of pure imagery, graphic well design. Again Phaidon is there for the package !
Again a slick book. Great design. An ‘objet d’art’ purity is the word from a great french chef.
A classic, The first book to see food in a different more contemporary way. Robert Fresson was the first one to take a modern approach and shoot food not always when finish but before during preparation.
Pizza is a tough one visually due to its nature and this book proved to be not. This book really transcend the spirit of Italy, Sicily and the pizza. Very well shot and very well design. Timeless.
It has to be in! The king of dessert book by the leader in its field . Photography here was as well iconic. Another style from the Robert Freson one. Which is this time not about atmosphere but pure graphic style and texture. Side light studio all the way very sharp and atmospheric in its own way. If you are lucky enough to get your hand on the special large format vein paper limited edition you are lucky! ART it is!
We have here another landmark in food photography style book. The first of a long collection of books to follow. White and simplicity . Donna brought a style to her magazine and books which did influence so many magazine and people in their live styles. Simple stylish modern cooking the Australian way. And for once paperback not hard cover which was part as well of the book to stand out !
A beautiful book which started the travel & food affair. The spirit of a place away fro the usual kitchen food opposite to recipe. This book is important as well because on of the first if its not the first to be shot, styled, design with recipes and travel photography from the same person ! Alastair did manage to do the whole in a beautiful way. Alastair has great eye for styled simplicity with atmosphere
A book about the staff meal from great chefs , great restaurants! What do the back kitchen, the place which delivers our meals , the people behind the scene do eat themselves during work. Beautifully design with quirky photographs showings moments, atmosphere of working kitchens.