Halibut rolled in Sesame Seeds with Sorrel Butter Sauce

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
A Feast of Fish

By Ian McAndrew

Published 1989

  • About

This is very quick and easy to prepare as well as quick to cook. Like so many dishes, it is suitable either as a first course or as a light main course.


  • 1 X 350-400 g/12-14 oz fillet of halibut
  • 15 g/½


Pick over, wash and finely chop the parsley, then mix it together with the breadcrumbs and the sesame seeds. Remove the stalks from the sorrel, wash well, then tear the leaves into small pieces; do not cut with a knife.

Skin the fillet of halibut and, holding the knife at a slight angle, cut 6 slices diagonally across the fish. Place the slices skin side down and lightl