Preparation info
  • Makes


    one pint jars
    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Art of Preserving

By Lisa Atwood, Rebecca Courchesne and Rick Field

Published 2012

  • About

This classic Italian pickle, which makes a great antipasto, contains an array of vegetables preserved to maintain their distinctive flavors and textures. The recipe is flexible: use asparagus or green beans for any of the vegetables, or lemon thyme for the oregano.


  • 4 small zucchini (courgettes), about ¾ lb (375 g), cut into rounds ¼ inch (6 mm) thick
  • 10–12


In a large nonreactive bowl, combine the zucchini and celery. Add 1 Tbsp of the salt and the ice cubes. Cover and refrigerate for 2–3 hours. Drain, rinse, and then drain well.

Have ready hot, sterilized jars and their lids.

In a large nonreac