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Sauerkraut and mushroom pierogies

Pierogi z Kapustᶏ i Grzybami

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Authentic Polish Cooking: 120 Mouthwatering Recipes, from Old-Country Staples to Exquisite Modern Cuisine

By Marianna Dworak

Published 2016

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  • Pierogi dough
  • 2 oz (55 g) dried mushrooms
  • 1


  1. In advance, soak the dried mushrooms in cold water for about 2 hours, then cook them in the same water until they turn soft. Drain, retaining the broth, and finely dice the mushrooms.
  2. Finely dice the onion and fry with butter in a skillet, adding in finely diced sauerkraut and mushroom broth, and simmering until soft.
  3. Finely dice the egg and add in to th

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