Pickled Cabbage


Preparation info
  • Makes about


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Appears in
The Best Recipes in the World: More Than 1,000 International Dishes to Cook at Home

By Mark Bittman

Published 2005

  • About

Essentially a simplified sauerkraut and a very light pickle. Use good-quality soy sauce and serve this as a side dish with Japanese or other Asian food. Do not try to make this in very hot weather; fifty or sixty degrees is ideal.

Other vegetables you can prepare this way: any mixture of vegetables, as in the variation.


  • One 2-pound head of Napa cabbage
  • ¼ cup coarse salt


  1. Trim the cabbage of hard parts and discard any discolored leaves; chop the rest into pieces no bigger than 2 inches along any dimension. Toss in a nonmetal bowl with the salt and chile.
  2. Cover with plastic wrap and a plate that will fit inside the bowl; weight the plate