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Salade aux Fleurs d’Oranger

Orange-flower salad

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Appears in
The Cooking of the Mediterranean

By Jane Grigson

Published 1991

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A refreshing and fragrant way of ending a spicy meal. If you happen to have an orange tree growing in a pot, decorate the salad with a few of its waxy flowers and dark leaves.


  • 6 fine oranges
  • 4 × 5 ml spoon (4 teaspoons) orange flower water
  • <


With a zester, take off enough fine shreds of peel to decorate the salad. Peel the oranges, removing as much of the pith as possible. Alternatively cut away peel and pith with a small sharp knife. Slice the oranges, discarding the pips but saving as much juice as possible.

Arrange the orange slices in concentric rows on a serving plate. The slices should overlap in different directions

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