Spice-crusted chickpea nibbles

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      5 min

Appears in
Energy Balls & Power Bites

By Sara Lewis

Published 2017

  • About

Chickpeas are great in more things than hummus. Try them as a super-speedy spiced alternative to crisps. Low in fat, they make a good protein-rich snack, and as chickpeas contain complex carbs they take longer for the body to break down, giving a slow-release energy boost.


  • 400 g/14 oz can chickpeas in water
  • 4 tsp/20


  1. Drain the chickpeas into a colander, rinse with cold water, drain again then dry with kitchen paper.
  2. Warm the oil in a large frying pan then add the cumin, fennel and sesame seeds and cook over a medium heat for 1 minute to release the flavour, then take off the heat and stir in the paprika.
  3. Tip the chickpeas into the frying pan, sprinkle with the gro